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Startups wanted for co-development opportunities

Jan 23, 2023

We have two exciting co-development opportunities for startups working in the areas of carbon capture and additive manufacturing.

Climate change challenges us to come up with better solutions for our customers and improve our production practices. The co-development opportunities we offer through Combient Foundry tackle both.

Opportunity 1:

Today, we play a major role in helping companies reduce their emissions through carbon capture. We are already a leader in mist elimination and mass transfer, which are two crucial components in this process. Now we want to take our offering to the next level and are looking for startups to help us on this journey.

Opportunity 2:

In addition to helping our customers reduce their emissions, we also need to tackle our own. This is where additive manufacturing comes into play. By improving our production methods and product design with additive manufacturing, we hope to make better use of our raw materials and reduce our footprint.

For a full description of the projects, click here. The deadline for applications is February 19.

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