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the TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition

Okt 31, 2019

Munters Global is proud to announce that we have sponsored the TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition. The Schwoerer’s journey in their expedition sailboat Pachamama (Inca for Mother Earth) has taken them over 100,000 nautical miles to more than 100 countries.

Along the way they have made presentations on climate change to more than 100,000 school children. Their message is one of hope designed to inspire children and communities to act for a better future by sharing experiences of nature’s beauty and resiliency, and presenting innovations for a healthy planet.

We are happy to have been able to help them with a dehumidifier, of the model MG90, to help the team get a desired relative humidity inside of the boat and prevent moisture from seeping into the carpeting, upholstery, and electronic compartments.

Watch the video to find out more

Or visit their website TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition


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