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sep 13

Space 2022

sep 13 09:00 - sep 15 18:00

SPACE 2022 takes place in one of Europe’s leading farming regions, providing an essential service to all livestock farmers seeking high performance, quality and sustainability in the global food supply sector.

Thanks to an optimal climate control system, we achieve:

1) better animal growth
2) reduced mortality
3) comfortable environment for animals and workers

We go green!

We decided to keep all our product sheets in digital format.
You can download them here:

Saturn FIVE



Saturn ONE


EDC 24 GHp



Munters Plastic Gutter (MPG)

ZEW Flatwave


ZEW Profi

Munters Wall Inlet (MWI)


Rotem Trio




  • OKT01


    World Dairy Expo

    Munters will be exhibiting at World Dairy Expo. Find us in Booth EH 3601

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