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nov 15

EuroTier 2022

nov 15 09:00 - nov 18 18:00

EuroTier “First in animal farming” is the world's leading trade fair for professional animal farming.

The event showcases all the technological innovations for the livestock sectors. Breeding, production and storage of food, use of bioenergy and a rich program of conferences/round tables.

EuroTier is dedicated specifically to operators in the sector: farms, producers, distributors of food and animal accessories, veterinarians or researchers.

Munters will be present at the event at Area Hall 17, Stand C06. We will present the following solutions:


ZEW Professional

ZEW Flatwave

Heat-X Rotate

Chimney (Air extraction)



Saturn FIVE

Saturn ONE


Munters Plastic Gutter (MPG)

Rotem Trio Poultry and Swine


ZLV Vario



When? 15-18 November 

Where? Deutsche Messe AG Hannover


  • OKT01


    World Dairy Expo

    Munters will be exhibiting at World Dairy Expo. Find us in Booth EH 3601

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