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New office from March 2021 for Munters Netherlands

Munters Netherlands is happy to announce that we are relocating to a new office in Moordrecht as of March 15, 2021.

With the move, Munters Netherlands is now even better prepared to serve our customers future needs.

Since we are very proud of our new office, we would really have liked to invite you to a formal inauguration. Due to the current situation, however, we would very much like to welcome you to visit us personally in the future, as soon as regulations permit.


Sancho Hofman
Managing Director



New address from March 15:

Munters Netherlands BV

Contact information
Phone: +31 (0)88-4049000
General email:
Service email address:
Finance email address:
IBAN: FI2818203000056986


Visiting and logistics address:

Munters Netherlands BV
Westbaan 140
NL-2841 MC Moordrecht


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