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nov 23

VIV MEA 2021

nov 23 09:00 - nov 25 18:00

VIV MEA is an animal husbandry show in the Middle East.

Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre
Khaleej Al Arabi Street
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

Pavillon 07 Stand D011

Munters is attending one of the most important husbandry show in the Middle-East togher with the partner Agricool Group.

Come to meet our expert and discover the climate solution to grow your business sustainably. With our systems, farmers can expect:

  • improved animal growth
  • mortality reduction
  • animal welfare and better climate for farm workers

We decided to take a green approach and do not print any product sheets.
All documenation are just a click away here below: 

Munters Trio Munters ONE  
Saturn ONE Series EC Series EM Series
ED HE Series EDC GHp Series  
Munters Wall Inlet MWI Munters Plastic Gutter MPG GPmp Series


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