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Benefits of Munters’ systems for hospitals:

  • Easy compliance with ASHRAE 62-2001, which cautions against the hazards of infection when relative humidity is too high.
  • Cost savings by treating ventilation air economically.
  • Cool, dry ventilation without overcooling.
  • Elimination of wet floors, saturated duct, mold and mildew due to lower dewpoint.
  • Elimination of uncomfortably cold areas
  • Humidity and temperature control is decoupled — supply air is not over-cooled to meet humidity needs

Given the importance of product and service liability in the health care industry, and the tight limits specified by surgical equipment manufacturers, hospitals frequently have to upgrade their existing HVAC systems in order to maintain an appropriate climate. In retrofit situations, Munters’ systems are designed for ease of installation, allowing the work to take place without interrupting surgery schedules.


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