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touko 15

2022 PIX/AMC

touko 15 09.00 - touko 17 17.30

We are excited to attend the 2022 Poultry Information Exchange (PIX) and Australasian Milling Conference (AMC), PIX/AMC 2022, which will be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre from Sunday, 15 to Tuesday, 17 May 2022.

The event theme, ‘Beyond 2020 – Feeding the Future‘ will provide a comprehensive program with the latest innovation and information, featuring industry experts from Australia, New Zealand and overseas.

The program will be focused on chicken meat, egg production, free range and organic farming, flour milling and feed milling for all livestock species, including beef, dairy, pigs and others.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see the latest Munters solutions for farmers and producers. You will find our Exhaust Fans Saturn One and the newest Saturn Five with its feature rich, high-tech and completely modular fans, able to combine exceptional airflow with fully energy efficiency.

Together you will find our Evaporative Coolers and Humidifiers MPG Gutter that avoid water leakage and ensure a higher reliability, as it eliminates glues and adhesives. In plus we will show you the CELdek Evaporative Cooling Pad that is designed to provide maximum cooling, low-pressure drop and years of reliable service.

Last but not least you will have the opportunity to look around our Climate Controllers (Rotem Trio) the next step to precision farming, taking poultry farm to the next level.


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