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Položit otázku


Financial targets and dividend policy

Both financial and sustainability goals benefit our strategy for profitable, cashflow-generating growth. A responsible business with stable finances and efficient resource use is essential for Munters to carry out its strategy.

Mid-term financial targets

Net sales growth

Goal - Annual organic growth of net sales of 10%

Outcome 2022 - organic, currency-adjusted net sales increased by 23%  

Adjusted EBITA-margin

Goal - An adjusted EBITA margin of >14% in the medium term

Outcome 2022 - The adjusted EBITA-margin was 10.3%

Operating working capital

Goal - Average (LTM) operating working capital (OWC) in the range of 13–10 % of net sales

Outcome 2022 - OWC of net sales amounted to 12.7% 

Dividend policy

According to the dividend policy adopted by the Board of Directors, Munters’ aim is to pay an annual dividend corresponding to 30-50 percent of net income for the year. The payout decision will be based on the company’s financial position, investment needs, acquisitions and liquidity position. There can be no assurances whether in any given year a dividend will be proposed or declared, however.

Dividend 2022: 30% (SEK 0.95 per share). 

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