Show your chocolates some love this #valentine’s day
Capture the love and keep making delicious, beautifully formed chocolate, with perfect process climate control from Munters. Our Valentine’s gift delivers all year, by sustainably saving up to 50% of your dehumidification related energy costs!
Munters can help you improve, upgrade and expand your process. With energy efficient, sustainable dehumidification solutions proven to increase production, quality, and lower energy costs. Discover how the Munters Difference will benefit your chocolate business.
Want to save energy and boost plant productivity? Do you use dehumidification systems across your entire production process?
Upgrade to a Munters desiccant dehumidification system today. Our systems feature a new heat source option that can help you cut energy operating costs by as much as 50%.
Reduce your carbon footprint by 100%
Heat is used to remove moisture. Fossil fuels are traditionally used to generate heat. But Munters has designed a green solution that uses hot plant wastewater as a heat source.
New or retrofit upgrades are available. Reduce your carbon footprint by 100% with a Munters hot water-based dehumidification solution.
Make better chocolate. And more of it.
Humidity in your chocolate production process can cause sugar and fat bloom, condensation, and mould. Product must be discarded. Quality and output are compromised. An up-to-date and sustainable dehumidification systems offer the ideal climate for chocolate production.
Increase output and boost product quality and safety when you upgrade.
You can count on Munters
Munters has been a leading manufacturer in air treatment technology for more than sixty years. Our service team features a worldwide network of highly skilled engineers dedicated to helping customers optimise their dehumidification systems.
Munters ServiceCare Maintenance Programmes feature planned maintenance checks proven to extend equipment life and eliminate failures before they occur. Performance is optimised and continuous operations ensured.
Get in touch
Want to boost your chocolate production? Fill out this form and one of our experts will contact you.
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