Při odesílání zprávy došlo k chybě, opakujte akci později.
Při odesílání zprávy došlo k chybě, opakujte akci později.
A light filter is the ideal equipment required to reduce the light ingress through air stream passages. A typical example is the poultry industry. In order to obtain optimal breeder-bird performance in pullet houses, both light intensity and the number of light hours each day must be precisely controlled. By controlling lighting it is possible for breeder birds to reach sexual maturity at the optimal time and therefore to stimulate the beginning of egg-production. LF light filter is constructed of high grade polypropylene resistant to wear and tear, ultra violet rays from the sun, as well as the strong high-pressure washers used in farm cleaning techniques. The square frame housing the light filter vanes or media is made of a strong epoxy pre-coated and galvanized sheet-steel. Special designed clips provided with each kit, allow the mounting of a light filter directly onto a Euroemme® fan, on the suction side of the fan, as a perfect match in air-flow, efficiency and light lux reduction. To improve aerodynamic efficiency and reduce pressure losses the light filter design has been developed in Munters' R&D lab. The test chamber has been built according to ANSI/AMCA 210-85 Figure 15 specifications. Construction details and airtightness have been verified by personnel of the BESS Lab at the Agricultural Engineering Dept, University of Illinois – USA.
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