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Munters Secures Contract with Large U.S. Discount Retailer

5 24, 2017

Munters provides a cost effective solution to treating air throughout stores

Munters, a global leader in energy efficient air treatment solutions, secured a two-year contract with the second-largest discount retailer in the United States.

The retailer was in search of a cost effective solution to treat outside air for new stores and for those currently undergoing a major remodel. Previously, they had only targeted dehumidification in the grocery section of the stores until Munters found an economical approach to meeting the objective of maintaining specified humidity levels for the entire store while reducing energy costs.

"Awarding Munters this contract shows the customers' confidence in our ability to meet their needs," said Todd Smith, National Accounts Sales Engineer for Munters.

The contract is for 60 plus stores or approximately 100-120 units over the next two years.

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