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최상의 실내 환경을 조성함으로써 온실 재배자가 최적의 조건에서 재배 및 생산이 가능하도록 솔루션을 제공합니다. 문터스의 혁신적인 제품에는 환기 시스템 및 기화식 냉/난방기가 있습니다.

문터스는 온실 산업과 관련하여 기후가 식물 성장에 미치는 영향에 대해 인지하고 있습니다. 예를 들어 지나친 상대습도는 나뭇잎에 물방울을 형성해 질병과 곰팡이 번식 가능성을 만들어내고, 고온의 환경은 열매에 손상을 주고 성장을 저해합니다. 또한 온실 외부 환경도 자연 환기에 부정적 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이러한 환경적 요소와 영향이 적절히 제어될 때 일관된 품질과 수익성을 유지할 수 있습니다.

온실에서 발생하는 문제들은 기후 조절 장비 설치를 통해 해결할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 식물 성장에 필요한 최적의 환경을 보장합니다.

온실의 기후 조절 분야에 적용되는 문터스 제품은 Euroemme®, CELdek®, Munters Drive, Munters Protect , Aerotech® 가 있습니다.

Let us help you!

Let us help you create the perfect climate for your farm, contact us directly  +1 517 676 7070 FoodTech@munters.com

More contact details

The many benefits of greenhouse climate control

Elevate productivity in your greenhouse with advanced climate control solutions from Munters. Tailor temperature, humidity, ventilation and air circulation to the precise needs of your plants.

By carefully controlling the greenhouse environment, growers can create the ideal conditions for their plants to thrive. This can lead to a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased crop yield
  • Improved crop quality
  • Reduced crop losses due to pests and diseases
  • Extended growing season
  • Reduced energy costs
  • More sustainable greenhouse practices

Unlock precision climate control for your greenhouse

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Green Climate Controller: Maximize greenhouse efficiency and yields

A comprehensive climate control system for industrial greenhouses, the Munters Green Climate Controller enables growers to maximize efficiency and yields. Capable of providing a wide range of climatic conditions, this cost-effective system suitable for any climate- controlled greenhouse.

Its rich functionality regulates ventilation, shading, heating, misting, fans and more. Each controller adapts to real-time changes across up to four climates zones; a single network can contain up to 50 zones.

Learn more about the Green Climate Controller

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Climate control

From the delicate dance of temperature regulation to the invigorating choreography of air circulation, greenhouse climate control is  essential to successful greenhouse gardening.


Explore methods that keep plants quenched and thriving. Learn about the benefits of digitally controlled irrigation for intelligent energy and water consumption.


Understand how delivering nutrients to plants with precision fuels growth and optimizes yields. Discover the synergies of irrigation and fertilization in a smart system.

Empowering your greenhouse with digital control

Discover the future of greenhouse climate management with innovative digital control systems from Munters. Seamlessly regulate temperature, humidity, ventilation and circulation using intuitive interfaces. Unleash the power of automation, adjusting conditions based on real-time data. Achieve energy efficiency, monitor performance and optimize growth. With features like remote access and customization, our systems empower growers to fine-tune environments for diverse crops.

Elevate your greenhouse cultivation with precision, boosting yields and fostering healthy plant  development.

Explore our digital greenhouse management solutions


Greenhouse brochure

Munters' greenhouse solutions optimize climate and irrigation for thriving plants. Effortless control, maximized yield. Explore inside!

Climate and irrigation controllers

Munters greenhouse climate and irrigation controllers automate watering, heating and cooling for maximum yield and reduced waste. Manage crops remotely with advanced smartphone app & software. Learn more!

Mastering sustainable greenhouse practices

Gain control over and significantly enhance growth with a deeper understanding of irrigation, fertigation and climate control. Every drop of water, each nutrient application, and every breath of controlled air contributes to your agricultural success. Greenhouse management transforms your workspace, enabling you to create optimal conditions that foster thriving plant life.

Explore the links above or contact us directly to see how you can transform your business and achieve a sustainable growth.

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