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Evaporative humidification and cooling

Evaporative humidification and cooling

Munters adiabatic evaporative cooling and humidification solutions help maintain indoor environments in industries, offices and commercial buildings. By maintaining correct relative humidity levels, it prevents static and dust-related problems ensuring the well-being of people and artefacts. The use of an evaporative humidification and cooling system provides better temperature and relative humidity (RH) control, and reduces energy consumption.

The sustainable way to optimal humidity

Munters is a global leader in developing and manufacturing energy-efficient humidification solutions. Hygienic climate control solutions that can be powered by sustainable energy sources. Munters humidification solutions create indoor environments that are healthy, productive and environmentally friendly.

How does it work?

Evaporative humidification and cooling systems use a process that adds water molecules to the air to increase relative humidity and lower the temperature. Depending on your application, increased humidity or a lower temperature are the desired outcomes.


  • Increasing production quality and minimizing production rejects
  • Create a healthier indoor climate
  • Precise temperature and relative humidity control
  • Lower operating costs in some applications

Products overview

Discover our series of energy-efficient evaporative humidifiers designed for all climates, indoor spaces and applications. Suitable for all requirements, we can customize solutions to suit your specific needs.


Munters service for maximum equipment lifetime

With decades of experience leading the dehumidification and humidification industries, Munters knows what it takes to provide customers with the best possible service and solutions.

We´ll guide you through the entire process, from choosing the best solution for your needs to helping you keep our premium equipment running at optimum levels.

Read more about Munters Services here

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