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MX² Desiccant dehumidifier with Plenum fan

Munters MX² desiccant dehumidifier is now available with Plenum fan which is designed to be silent in public areas installations.

The MX² series combines traditional Munters strengths like efficiency and robustness with modern state of the art technology like modulating RH control and communication.
Low energy consumption and reliability are important in todays processes. Our modern control system together with the high efficient fans with frequency converters and the Energy Recovery Purge (ERP) or Energy Efficiency Purge (EEP), ensure optimal energy savings.
The MX² is equipped with a number of alarm functions to provide a total control of the dehumidification process.

The MX² makes creating your perfect climate easier than ever, and has a full suite of future-proof features including:

  • Efficient dehumidification between -20°C and 40°C
  • Modulating humidity control including wet air temp sensor
  • Communication and external control options
  • Filter and rotor stop alarm as standard
  • Energy saving options
  • Service and running indicator alarm as external indicators
  • Munters Connected Climate® (MCC)
  • Plenum fan for public areas


Munters MX²: quiet performance worth shouting about!

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