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jan 10

Dia de Campo C.Vale 2023

jan 10 09:00 - jan 12 18:00

At Dia de campo C.Vale, the producer will be informed of the latest advances in grains and sums.

The latest field-tested solutions to increase productivity will be available for three days, January 10, 11 and 12. We are talking about the latest innovations in the agricultural sector.

This year's main event is the grain area, but there are plenty of other activities to immerse you in the innovation and sustainability atmosphere

Programming includes aviculture, pigs and milk management, too.

Here's what you'll find at our booth n.6:


Munters Plastic Gutter (MPG)




Rotem Trio (Poultry & Swine)


When? 10-12 January 

Where? Campo Experimental C.Vale (Aviário Técnico e Comercial)


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