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Production starts with accurate mixing and blending of ingredients to ensure accurate preparations. Problems occur when variable and incorrect humidity levels interfere with the delicate balance.
To guarantee accurate dosing and consistency, the weighing, mixing and blending should be under controlled climate conditions.
Perfect conditions are created by Munters desiccant dehumidification in the mixing, weighing and blending production areas or by adding the dry air directly into the process.
This avoids the risk of damp caked ingredients through moisture absorption or condensation. By controlling humidity conditions, unwanted agglomeration and clogging is avoided, and free-flowing powder is secured.
Low humidity can be easily obtained with a Munters desiccant dehumidification system. At low dew points, desiccant dehumidification is superior to mechanical cooling, with tighter control and less energy consumption.
Product quality is not degraded by moisture absorption or bacterial growth and the below results are realized:
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