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Veri Merkezi Akademi Yayınları

Nis 21, 2016

Munters Veri Merkezi Akademisi görsel derslerine hoşgeldiniz. Uzmanlarımız sizi Hava Soğutmalı Veri Merkezi Dizaynı gibi konularda Munters Isı Eşanjörü teknolojisini kullanarak Dolaylı Evaporatif Soğutma Prensibi hakkında bilgilendirecektir. Ek içerik için kontrol ediniz.

DC Introduction by Neil Yule

The History of IEC at DesChamps & Munters - Part 1

The History of IEC at DesChamps & Munters - Part 2

Video Lecture - Air-Cooled Data Center Design Elements by Keith Dunnavant

Indirect Air-Side Economizers - Part 1

Indirect Air-Side Economizers - Part 2

Indirect Air-Side Economizers - Part 3

Munters Data Center Make Up Air Solutions

Demo Munters Pro App DataCom™

Video Lecture - Indirect Air-Side Economizers - Part 2 - by Keith Dunnavant

Video Lecture - Indirect Air-Side Economizers - Part 3 - by Keith Dunnavant

Video Lecture - Munters Data Center Make Up Air Solutions by Mark Fisher

Video Lecture - Demo Munters Pro App DataCom™ - by Mark Fisher

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