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Compliance and transparency

Sustainability is integrated in every aspect of the business strategy. We set ambitious goals in terms of emissions, resource efficiency, diversity, safety and ethical business practices. We have integrated sustainability KPIs and ESG follow-up in our Business reviews on quarterly basis so that we can monitor progress toward our targets on a more frequent basis and act if we observe a negative trend. 

Ratings, reviews and commitments 

It's important for us to follow international laws and regulations as well as support global initiatives that propels the world forward in the right direction.

Munters supports all 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and has identified some selected goals where we feel that we have a greater impact and thereby an opportunity to make a difference.

Since 2018, we have committed to report in accordance with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. 

Sustainability ratings and scores are becoming increasingly important to investors, customers and other stakeholders.

For us, the external assessment of our sustainability efforts is very important, and we are working continuously to improve our transparency and our results.

In 2023, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) awarded us a "B" for our efforts to reduce our environmental impact and we received a rating of AAA (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. 

Enhanced sustainability reporting 

At Munters, we have been dedicated to transparently sharing our sustainability data for several years through our annual reports.

Since 2021, we have aligned our reporting with the EU Taxonomy, and over the past year, we have been adopting new reporting directives to ensure compliance with upcoming regulations. 

As of July 1, 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has come into effect, and Munters will adhere to the Swedish government's implementation of CSRD. Consequently, our first report in accordance with CSRD and the associated European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) will cover the fiscal year 2025, with publication scheduled for 2026. 

This transition will enhance transparency in our sustainability efforts and improve communication with our stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees. 

Updated materiality analysis 

With the introduction of the CSRD and its double materiality assessment, Munters is further updating the materiality analysis.

This includes assessing sustainability matters across our entire value chain from two perspectives: 

  • Impact Perspective: How Munters affects people and the environment through our operations 
  • Financial Perspective: How societal factors impact Munters, including risks and opportunities affecting our financial performance. 

To read more about our compliance and stakeholder dialogue read our Annual Report 2023.

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