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The »Heat-X« Type G is an indirect gas fired heater with a closed combustion system, especially designed for poul-try houses.
Increasing energy costs and legal regu-lations force farmers to use efficient heating systems with low energy con-sumptions. The »Heat-X« Type G-line fully meets there requirements.
A closed combustion system means that the combustion air is taken from the outside, and the combustion gases are transported back to the outside. As a result no CO2 and no water vapor are brought into the poultry house.
Therefore the big advantage is that the volume of the ventilated air can be strongly reduced so that energy can be saved.
Also, the closed combustion sys-
tem decreases the humidity level. Consequently the feed stays drier which prevents from typical dieseases like Podo. So, the sickness and mor-tality rate decreases which leads to a higher output per bird flock.
There is no open flame with a closed combustion system so that this effects insurance costs positively.
Disponível em Sweden, Spain, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Austria, Belarus, Norway, Ukraine, Europe, Middle East, Africa
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