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메시지 전송 시, 오류가 발생하였습니다. 재시도하십시오
문의 하십시오
사업 영역
Featuring all the functionality of the current Platinum Controllers, the new screen provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that brings all the advantages of touch screens to your farm.
The Touch screen brings together mission critical data in one easy to read screen. Defining functions is done directly from a large screen designed for its ease of use. The sophisticated interface is intuitive, enabling a simplified set up. At the same time, the unit is built to work in the rigorous conditions found in barns.
The Platinum Touch supports (up to) 30 relays.
As an option, the Platinum Touch Panel Mount edition can be installed directly into an electrical cabinet. This capability reduces costs for farmers wanting to install their controllers in this manner. The Platinum Touch includes important hardware upgrades and improvements.
Click here to download the controller software: Platinum Touch Software (Registered users only)
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