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Power station upgraded with Munters pre-cooler

ERM Power is a successful developer, owner and operator of power stations across Australia. ERM leads the development of six power stations, which represent approximately 5% of Australia’s total power generation capacity. Bilfinger Berger & Baulderstone JV and Newgen Power and Siemens reached an agreement to build a new $75 million gas-fired power station in Neerabup, 40km north of Perth. The new gas-fired power station will have two Siemens 185MW turbines and delivers 330MW peaking power.

Effective cooling with minimum fuel consumption

ERM wanted a reputable manufacturer of quality industrial evaporative pre-coolers to ensure maximum output and minimal fuel consumption, which would maximize plant and equipment service life. A system that provided maximum cooling with minimal air resistance and no droplet carryover. They also wanted a system to cool air to the ISO 60°F (15°C) standard gas turbine output rating without any mechanical cooling needs.

The Munters solution

Munters was asked to provide an evaporative pre-cooler solution for the gas turbine generators’ air intake. The unit is fitted to the main air intake louvers of the generator providing a cost-effective solution to meet cooling needs without adverse downstream effects such as pressure loss and corrosion. Water is distributed at a controlled rate through the Munters cooling media upstream of the gas turbine inlet. Inlet air passes through the media and water is evaporated to a cold vapor, chilling the air that passes to the turbine and increasing power output as well as operating efficiency.

기본 정보

  • Effective cooling with Munters evaporative pre-cooler
  • Cools air to ISO 60°F (15°C) standard
  • Fuel consumption reduced
  • Power output increased
  • Operating efficiency improved

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