메시지 전송 시, 오류가 발생하였습니다. 재시도하십시오
메시지 전송 시, 오류가 발생하였습니다. 재시도하십시오
Munters continually strive to achieve certification status for products, manufacturing and applications.
Munters GLASdek® and CELdek® evaporative cooling and humidification pads have been tested for emissions from over 360 individual chemicals of concern, guaranteeing them as having non-harmful emissions. The goal of the GREENGUARD certification is to improve public health and quality of life through programs that reduces chemical exposure and improves indoor air.
USDA Equipment Acceptance
VariMax® IFRG has received the USDA Equipment Acceptance Certification. Units are accepted for use in USDA approved dairy plants.
ETL Certification
ETL certification is available upon request. Contact your local Munters office for more information.
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