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CDP gives Munters a higher score

3 30, 2021

CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) has given Munters a higher score than last year for its efforts to reduce its environmental impact. The company went from a score of “D minus” to "C".

Munters has been reporting to CDP since 2018. The annual submission is voluntary and includes a comprehensive report describing how the company is working to reduce its climate impact. The report also includes an update on the various activities performed and actual emissions data for the reporting period.

Four steps forward

"We are pleased to have improved our score by three points from 'D minus' in 2019 to 'C' 2020," says Maj-Britt Hällmark, Vice President and Senior Advisor at Munters who works with sustainability and finance at Group level. "In 2018, when we first submitted our report, we didn't even get a score. We still have a long way to go to be among the real leaders, the A-companies, when it comes to driving change, but this is a journey and every journey starts with the first steps. We have now taken four steps forward, from no score in 2018 to a 'C' in 2020. That's progress."

CDP is an international non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom, Germany and USA that helps companies and cities disclose their environmental impact. Each year, CDP scores companies and cities based on their actions on climate change, forests and water security. In 2020, over 9,600 companies publicly disclosed environmental information through CDP.

Improvements in 9 of 11 areas

Hällmark says that collecting and coordinating the answers for the report is a great example of cross- functional team effort between Strategic Operations, HR, Risk Management and Finance.

"We learn a lot in the process and together we identify areas where Munters can improve," she says.

In 2020, Munters' score improved in 9 of the 11 surveyed areas.

"For example, the fact that we have started measuring carbon dioxide emissions from our factories contributed to the higher rating," Hällmark says. "Process improvements in governance, risk management and the value chain were other areas where progress was recognized."

Curious to find out how we work with sustainability? Read more here.

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