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Munters la solution pour une production sans problème de condensation

Dans l’industrie agroalimentaire, la présence d’eau sous forme liquide est un facteur de risque de contamination bactériologique extrêmement important. Une des sources non contrôlées de présence d’eau est la condensation sur les éléments froids du procédé de production.

Condensation = Risque
La condensation apparaît souvent sur les plafonds, les tuyauteries d’eau froide, les tunnels de refroidissement. Généralement du brouillard est créé par les opérations de lavage des locaux de production augmentant encore l'humidité relative.

Le phénomène de condensation est simplement lié à une humidité relative trop importante, cette humidité au contact d’une paroi froide se condense et provoque des gouttelettes source du problème mais provoque aussi la corrosion des équipements, des défauts d’isolement électrique, des défauts électroniques et l’apparition de moisissures...

La solution consiste à maintenir l’humidité relative en dessous du point de rosée.
Munters France SAS maîtrise cette application depuis de très nombreuses années et nos clients travaillent tous dans un environnement sain pour une production optimale.

Sanitary challenges

Large amounts of water are used by poultry processors to maintain a sanitary work environment. This water evaporates and condenses on ceilings, walls and equipment within processing areas. The presence of condensation in Claxton Poultry’s facility resulted in a warning letter from the USDA in the fall of 2003. According to directives, condensation is not allowed to form either in product or non-product areas, where the potential for dripping can contaminate products.

For many years, the problem had been addressed by using a combination of plastic sheeting hung from the ceiling and personnel that are dedicated to wiping away condensation as it formed. This proved to be a time-consuming and costly solution that did not control condensation to meet USDA compliance. Claxton contacted Munters for a dependable, cost-effective solution.

Solving the condensation problem

A quick response was required to prevent any production downtime due to condensation. Munters provided a temporary desiccant dehumidification system to solve Claxton’s condensation related problems. These systems are typically provided in 24 to 48 hours to assist cusomters with immediate dehumidification needs.

The system consisted of desiccant dehumidifiers, cooling modules and chillers. The condensation began to disappear within hours of the equipment installation.

“The Munters equipment allowed Claxton Poultry to operate without condensation-related NRs,” said John Seibel, complex manager at Claxton. “The USDA warning letter was lifted after 90 days of operation without receiving an NR (Non-Compliance Record).”

Claxton has seen other benefits of using dehumidification. A significant number of workers were dedicated to wiping away condensation and installing plastic sheeting, and now these workers are able to perform other functions within the facility, reducing overall labor costs.

Controlled condensation improves cleanliness and efficiency
Sanitation has been improved within the plant because with dehumidification in operation, Claxton has been able to run sanitation right up to shift start. This allowed “on time” shift starts which has improved production management. Defrost cycles on existing cooling equipment have been reduced from four times per day to once per day because desiccant dehumidification delivers air at lower dew point temperatures. Claxton Poultry installed permanent Munters equipment in more processing areas to prevent condensation and is evaluating other areas within the plant.

faits en bref

  • Suppression de la condensation
  • Suppression du brouillard
  • Suppression des moisissures
  • Suppression des bactéries
  • Meilleure qualité du produit fini
  • Séchage rapide après lavage
  • Meilleur rendement des évaporateurs
  • Température constante

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