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Register for the Distributor´s Meeting!

Register for the Distributor´s Meeting!

The time has finally come for our distributor's meeting, and we would like to invite you, our highly valued distributor, to this event. The meeting will occur at our new sustainable factory in Hodonin, Czech Republic.

We can´t wait to see you!

During these two days in May, you will get a guided tour of the recently opened factory, which specializes in DSS Pro and DSS Pro LDP. You will also meet the production team and get an update on Genesys, coming selection tools, and the latest news from Service. We look forward to exciting days together!

Where: Munters, Hodonin, Czech Republic

When: 30-31 May, 2023
Arrival on the 29th and departure late afternoon on the 31st. 

Questions: Zeidan Al Jamal

Register today!

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