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We are accelerating our sustainability agenda 

Sustainability is core to our business. We contribute to sustainable development by providing energy-efficient climate solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. To maintain a sustainable and profitable business, we have integrated sustainability into every aspect of our business strategy. We ensure that our business is sustainable by setting ambitious goals in terms of emissions, resource efficiency, diversity, safety and ethical business practices.  

To accelerate our work in this area, we have committed to setting near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). By committing to this important initiative, we will have our previously set targets for Scope 1 and 2 validated and set new targets for Scope 3. 

New strategic targets for 2030: 

  • Reduce CO2e emissions in Scope 1 and 2 to net zero
  • Reduce CO2e emissions in Scope 3 in line with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C target
  • 30% women in the workforce and leadership positions  
  • 100% compliance to our Code of Conduct for our employees 
  • 100% compliance to our Code of Conduct for our suppliers 
  • Continuous increase in compliance of the Customer Code Conduct  

Our main sustainability areas

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The following three areas provide the framework for Munters' sustainability agenda. We integrate this into our strategy and strategic priorities:

  • Resource efficiency and environment  
  • People and society
  • Responsible business practices

Progress 2023

Recycling rate Share of female managers Total recordable incident rate




(2022:52%) (2022: 22%) (2022: 1,8)

Energy efficiency

Code of conduct for suppliers

Renewable electricity in our production plants




(2022: 0,62) (2022: 100%) (2022: 72%)


Ratings, reviews and commitments

CDP awards us a "B"

We joined the CDP in 2018 and since 2019 we have reported our activities to reduce our climate impact. The goal is to continuously improve the score to reach the A-level, which is the leadership level where companies set best practices to address climate change.

Read the article

MSCI awards us "AAA"

In 2023, Munters received a rating of AAA (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. Read the disclaimer.


Read more about MSCI

Annual and Sustainability Report

Download the 2023 report

Global Compact

Since 2018, we have committed to report in accordance with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact’s on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.

Read about the initiative

A gender equal company

Since 2012, the independent foundation Allbright has ranked publicly listed companies, like Munters, based on the gender distribution of their management teams. 

Read the review (in Swedish only)

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