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Corporate Governance

Prior to the listing of the Shares on Nasdaq Stockholm, the corporate governance of Munters has been based upon Swedish law and internal rules and guidelines.

Swedish Corporate Governance Code

The Swedish Corporate Governance Code ("the Code") applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are listed in a regulated marketplace in Sweden and must be observed as of the first day of trading. The Code outlines a standard for sound corporate governance at a higher level of ambition than that of the Swedish Companies Act and the minimum criteria stipulated in other regulations. The Swedish Corporate Governance Code is based on the "comply or explain" principle, meaning that the company is not compelled to always comply with every rule of the Code, and is instead free to opt for other solutions that are deemed to better suit the circumstances in a particular case, provided that the company transparently reports every such deviation, describes the alternate solution, and states the reasons for said actions in its corporate governance report.

Munters expects to comply with all rules in the Code from the date of the listing of the Shares on Nasdaq Stockholm, with the exception of rules 9.7 and 9.8 of the Code. Deviations from the Code will be reported in the Company’s annual corporate governance reports.

Munters’ corporate governance structure

 Illustration of Munters' corporate governance structure


Articles of association

Adopted by the Annual General Meeting on 19 May 2021. 

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The Board

Magnus Nicolin

Born 1956. Chairman of the Board since May 2022. 

Principal education: MBA, Wharton – University of Pennsylvania. BSc, Stockholm School of Economics.

Selected previous assignments: CEO of Ansell Limited, President, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific of Newell Rubbermaid Inc., CEO of Esselte Business Systems Inc 2002 – 2006, Executive Vice President & Business Area President of Esselte Business Systems Inc. Senior positions in Bayer AG, Pitney Bowes Inc., and McKinsey & Company. Board assignments in several global boards, such as Ansell, Esselte, Isaberg-Rapid and Primix.

Read more about Munters Board


Klas Forsström

President and CEO since August 12, 2019.

Principal education: Klas has a M.Sc. in Materials Physics and an MBA from Uppsala University as well as advanced management studies at INSEAD.

Professional experience: Previously President of Sandvik Machining Solutions Business area. Prior to that, more than 20 years of different senior management positions at Sandvik, including positions such as President of Sandvik Hard Materials and Sandvik Coromant.

Read more about Munters Management

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