Při odesílání zprávy došlo k chybě, opakujte akci později.
Při odesílání zprávy došlo k chybě, opakujte akci později.
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Within agri- and horticulture, ideal climate is essential as it directly influences the productivity and health of livestock and plant growth. Cooling and ventilation are very important factors for accurate control of the climatic environment in poultry, swine, dairy houses or greenhouses. Indoor temperature and humidity play a crucial role in avoiding heat stress and achieving the perfect climate.
Dostupnost Korea, Mexico, Singapore, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Argentina, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Kuwait, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, CS, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Indonesia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Switzerland
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