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Při odesílání zprávy došlo k chybě, opakujte akci později.
After the company’s successful launch of PsychroApp, Munters is expanding its current selection of professional smart device applications with ProApp – DataCom. This tool is for data center operations engineers and HVAC design engineers around the globe needing a quick calculation tool for design and analysis. In 2012, the company released PsychroApp, the most trusted psychrometric calculation app in the HVAC industry. Both apps are available for download off the iTunes App Store.
The ProApp-DataCom application was developed to give users a tool that will allow them to determine the correct airflow rates for sizing of data center cooling air-handling systems, corrected for altitude and temperature, and also to establish air-handling unit efficiency metrics from field measured values of airflow, temperature difference, and input power. The app has a mode for design and another mode for analysis. The user can select either IP or SI units of measure. Users can send any results to their email, and optionally to Munters for review and further analysis.
Design Mode allows the user to determine the cooling airflow rates given a total room heat load to be rejected, target supply and return temperatures, room dew point, and the altitude for the site location. The app will also suggest Munters’ air-handling unit sizes and quantities based on the results. Munters offers energy efficient direct or indirect air-side economizer cooling systems with optional DX or chilled water trim cooling as required.
Analyze Mode allows the user to estimate the heat rejection capacity of an existing cooling system in operation, and also calculate the efficiency of the cooling unit when the machine input power is available.
Munters has manufactured Oasis™ Indirect Evaporative Coolers (IEC) featuring patented polymer tube heat exchanger technology since 1997. By using Oasis IEC products, the energy required to remove heat from data centers is significantly reduced. A Munters Oasis™ system use cooling and/or heat rejection strategies that achieves a balance of reliability and energy efficiency, with energy savings often up to 75% and higher compared to traditional data center cooling strategies.
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